Total Results: 15 • Page 1 of 1

Author   Year   Downloads   Title

RWSN Annual Report 2023

Downloads: 360
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2024
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN

RWSN Strategy/Stratégie 2024-2030 Draft Final

Downloads: 396
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2023
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: Skat Foundation

SIRWASH Webinar Series Webinar series of the SIRWASH Programme (Sustainable and Innovative Rural Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)

Downloads: 443
Author: Various
Year of Publishing: 2023
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: RWSN

RWSN Member Survey 2023

Downloads: 39
Author: RWSN Secretariat
Year of Publishing: 2023
Publisher: RWSN

RWSN Annual Report 2022

Downloads: 108
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2023

RWSN Work Plan 2023

Downloads: 63
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2023

RWSN Governance Protocol 2023-2025

Downloads: 92
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2023

History and status of the rope pump in Nicaragua - a success story about rural communal water supply and self-supply

Downloads: 109
Author: G.Ferrero, J. D. Briemberg
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: Skat Foundation / SMART Centre Group

RWSN Draft Lifelong Learning Strategy (EN/FR/ES/PT) Projet de stratégie d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie du RWSN

Downloads: 108
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: Skat Foundation

Stop the rot: handpump functionality, corrosion, component quality and supply chains Action research in sub-Saharan Africa

Downloads: 1644
Author: DANERT, K.
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: Ask for Water GmbH, Skat Foundation and RWSN.

Global prospects to deliver safe drinking water services for 100 million rural people by 2030 REACH working paper 12

Downloads: 1008
Author: Nilsson, K., Hope, R., McNicholl, D., Nowicki, S., and Charles, K.
Year of Publishing: 2021
Publisher: University of Oxford and RWSN
Institution: REACH programme

Introducing RWSN the global knowledge network for practical professionalism in rural water supply

Downloads: 61
Author: RWSN
Year of Publishing: 2022
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: RWSN

What’s Working, Where, and for How Long A 2016 Water Point Update to the RWSN (2009) statistics

Downloads: 628
Author: Banks, B. & S. G. Furey
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: RWSN
Institution: GWC/Skat

Professional Water Well Drilling A UNICEF Guidance Note

Downloads: 2662
Author: Danert K., Gesti Canuto J.
Year of Publishing: 2016
Publisher: Skat Foundation
Institution: Unicef

Myths of the Rural Water Supply Sector RWSN Perspective No 4

Downloads: 1821
Author: RWSN Executive Steering Committee
Year of Publishing: 2010
Publisher: RWSN

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