Universal access means access for everyone, leaving no-one out. The SDG focus provides the political endorsement for RWSN to redouble its efforts regarding equality, non-discrimination and inclusion and strive towards the fulfilment of the human right to water. RWSN has renamed the theme that was previously Equality, Non-discrimination and Inclusion (ENDI) as “Leave No One Behind ”  (LNB) because it clearly encapsulates the vision of the network, shining the spotlight on the hard to reach. The theme is still firmly based on the human rights principles of equality and non-discrimination, with a practical focus on inclusion. It sets out to ensure that the targeting of service provision at all levels is inclusive of the needs and rights of all, through every stage of life, with special attention to those who are frequently excluded. The theme also embraces social accountability, based on the understanding that marginalised people are more likely to gain access to services if they are able to hold duty bearers to account.

Theme Objective: To develop practical responses to the SDG mandate to leave no-one behind, recognising that the causes of exclusion include physical, attitudinal and institutional barriers, and that realisation of human rights to water and sanitation for the most marginalised requires a focus on power relations.

Theme topics

  • Making rights real
  • Inclusion
  • Gender equality and women’s rights
  • Social accountability for sustainable services

Key Publications


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