Génevaux, C.

Year of Publishing



WASH Services and Climate Change - Impacts and Responses TOOLS & METHODS


The aim of this guide is to provide an insight into understanding the impacts of climate change on WASH services and to propose operational courses of action for climate change adaptation and mitigation for services in developing countries. It is intended for all water, sanitation and international solidarity stakeholders, all of whom are affected by this issue.

Although this guide mainly focuses on water and sanitation services, it also addresses broader considerations related to other basic services, such as water resources management and stormwater management.

Bibliographical Information:

Génevaux, C. (2018) WASH Services and Climate Change - Impacts and Responses. TOOLS & METHODS , pS-Eau , pS-Eau

More Information

» WASH services and climate change

» VERSION FRANCAISE - Les services d’eau et d’assainissement face au changement climatique


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