Description: A driven well refers to driving a well point and well screen directly into the ground using a hammering tool (figs right). The material is forced aside rather than excavated by this technique. This technique is sometimes used in conjunction with hand augering.

Capability: Koegel (1985) states that the 25 to 30 meters is probably the maximum depth for a driven well. The depth depends on the build-up of friction between the pipe and the formation drilled and the driving force available. A hand driven well can generally only penetrate about 1-2 meters into course sands due to resistance. Use of machinery can enable greater depths to be reached.

Locations: Chad, Cameroon and Madagascar.


  • KOEGEL, R. (1985) Self Help Wells, FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper, FAO, Rome.ISBN 92-5-100398-X [html version]

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