RWSN Ressources
Malawi Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development
Year of Publishing
Malawi Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development
Malawi Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development
Malawi: Technical Manual for Water Wells and Groundwater Monitoring Systems and Standard Operating Procedures for Groundwater
This technical manual describes borehole aspects associated with groundwater development mainly for rural domestic supply and groundwater monitoring boreholes and the associated groundwater monitoring or management aspects thereof. This manual is an update of the earlier manual by the Ministry of Water Development (MWD), 2001, with a chapter on groundwater monitoring, database management and water permits added. The accompanying documents as Standard Operating Procedures (SOPS) for groundwater sampling, aquifer pumping test, groundwater level monitoring, groundwater use permitting, drilling and construction of national monitoring boreholes, operation and management of the national groundwater database.
The documents were produced under National Water Development Program 2 funded by the African Development Bank (AFDB) through consultative consultancy by Aurecon Consultants in 2012 and edition for printing was supported by JICA in 2016.
Bibliographical Information:
Malawi Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development (2016) Malawi: Technical Manual for Water Wells and Groundwater Monitoring Systems and Standard Operating Procedures for Groundwater. , Malawi Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development , Malawi Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development
Technical Manual - Water Wells and Groundwater Monitoring Systems
Standard Operating Procedure for Drilling and Construction of National Monitoring Boreholes
Standard Operating Procedure for Aquifer Pumping Tests
Standard Operating Procedure for Groundwater Level Monitoring
Standard Operating Procedure for Groundwater Sampling
Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Management of the National Groundwater Database
Standard Operating Procedures for Groundwater Use Permitting
Standard Operating Procedure for Drilling and Construction of Production Boreholes