RWSN Library

A. Saraiva Okello, E. Feijoo Seara, S. Furey
Year of Publishing
Skat Foundation
Summary of RWSN Roadmap E-discussion 17-31 May 2021 E-discussions
The RWSN Roadmap is a plan for the evolution of the network in the coming decade. RWSN members, partners and friends were invited to take part into a consultation process on the future of the network: via a survey, comments on the Roadmap’s website, and via an e-discussion. The 2-weeks e-discussion, from 17 to 31 May 2021, focused on two aspects of the Roadmap: decentralising of RWSN, and the pathway to follow to increase the impact and financial sustainability of the network.
Bibliographical Information:
A. Saraiva Okello, E. Feijoo Seara, S. Furey (2021) Summary of RWSN Roadmap E-discussion 17-31 May 2021. E-discussions , RWSN , Skat Foundation , St Gallen, Switzerland
Summary of RWSN Roadmap E-discussion 17-31 May 2021