Ramesh Chandra Bohara

Year of Publishing


Pokhara University, Nepal

Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting System for the Domestic Needs (A Case Study of Daugha VDC, Gulmi, Nepal) Summary Presentation


This presentation summarizes the MSc thesis on the same subject (Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting Systems for the Domestic Needs: A Case Study of Daugha VDC, Gulmi, Nepal).

The full thesis can be found here:

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Bibliographical Information:

Ramesh Chandra Bohara (2015) Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting System for the Domestic Needs (A Case Study of Daugha VDC, Gulmi, Nepal). Summary Presentation , Pokhara University, Nepal , Pokhara, Nepal

More Information

» Full thesis

This document is the full thesis of Ramesh Bohara on the topic of "Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting System for Domestic Need".


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