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Ramesh Chandra Bohara
Year of Publishing
Pokhara University, Nepal
Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting System for the Domestic Needs (A Case Study of Daugha VDC, Gulmi, Nepal) Master Thesis
This study analysis the sustainability of a Domestic Rainwater Harvesting (DRWH) intervention in rural Nepal, which started in 1996. It looks at issues like long-term functionality and impact of the intervention, summarizing the findings in four key sustainability dimenstions: technical, socio-environmental, institutional, and economic. The study concludes that RWH enjoys high technical and socio-environmental acceptance, but that the institutional and cost-recovery dimensions are weaker, leading to an overall estimate of "sustainable but at risk" for the VDC at hand.
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Bibliographical Information:
Ramesh Chandra Bohara (2015) Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting System for the Domestic Needs (A Case Study of Daugha VDC, Gulmi, Nepal). Master Thesis , Pokhara University, Nepal , Pokhara, Nepal
More Information
This link takes you to a presentation (PDF) with the summary of the finding of the thesis of Ramesh Bohara on "Sustainbility of Rainwater Harvesting System for the Domestic Neeeds".
Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting System for the Domestic Needs