
Year of Publishing


Water Missions International

Elements of Sustainable Solar Water Pumping System Design Synthesis and presentations from 2015 WEDC Conference Workshop


Technological advances over the past decade have made solar water pumping a viable option for potable water service delivery in rural settings. Solar pumping is an especially attractive alternative when poor groundwater quality or high population density and growth limit the applicability of boreholes fitted with handpumps. However, globally-accessible resources that specifically speak to the various technological, financial, social, environmental, institutional, and operational elements of sustainable solar pumping designs are limited. This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to explore various aspects of holistic design of solar pumping systems through guided group discussion.

Bibliographical Information:

ARMSTRONG, A. (2015) Elements of Sustainable Solar Water Pumping System Design. Synthesis and presentations from 2015 WEDC Conference Workshop , Water Missions International , RWSN


Solar Pumping - Participant Guide
pdf • Size: 1.73 MB

Solar Pumping - Presentation
pdf • Size: 3.58 MB

Solar Pumping - Synthesis
pdf • Size: 0.42 MB

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