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Water Missions International
Managing Cash Reserves for Capital Maintenance Expenses Synthesis and presentations from 2015 WEDC Conference Workshop
When service providers succeed in raising considerable sums or even recovering full life-cycle costs associated with ongoing water service delivery through tariffs and user fees they are often faced with a different sort of challenge: managing sizeable cash reserves that are intended to be used for future capital maintenance expenses. Questionable long-term reliability of local financial institutions can lead to investment in diversified assets (e.g. insurance systems, real estate, spare parts, and even livestock). In addition, pressure to use portions of cash reserves in ways that are thought to be more productive, such as in system upgrades or expansion, can lead to funds being used sooner than originally intended. Although recent efforts by IRC, RWSN and others have helped to identify approaches and trends such as these, further discussion is needed to clarify best practices as well as any associated strengths and weaknesses.
Bibliographical Information:
ARMSTRONG, A. (2015) Managing Cash Reserves for Capital Maintenance Expenses. Synthesis and presentations from 2015 WEDC Conference Workshop , Water Missions International , RWSN
Cash Reserves - Synthesis
Cash Reserves - Combined Slides