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RWSN Accelerating Self Supply Group 2012 A Synthesis of the E-discussion in November 2012
Self Supply is and will remain a reality in many rural areas for a long period of time. In these areas conventional supplies will not be available to provide all people with sufficient water. We as practitioners have to find a clear answer how to deal with Self Supply. Accelerating Self supply is about to focusing the efforts towards improving and making Self Supply safer. However, Governments must not use Self Supply to step out of their obligation to provide safe water to the population and they have to be held accountable for providing safe water to their people.
This document draws together the very lively disucssion on Self Supply held in RWSN's online community on Accelerating Self Supply in November 2012
Bibliographical Information:
OLSCHEWSKI, A (2013) RWSN Accelerating Self Supply Group 2012. A Synthesis of the E-discussion in November 2012 , RWSN , RWSN
More Information
» RWSN Group on Accelerating Self Supply
Online community of people involved in Accelerating Self Supply from all over the world. If you are interested, you may also join.
A Synthesis of the E-discussion in November 2012