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United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Evaluating Water Quality Assurance Funds in Tanzania: Baseline Assessment
In rural Africa, an estimated two-thirds or more of the population is exposed to contaminated drinking water (UNICEF/WHO 2022). Monitoring water quality is essential to providing safe water and protecting public health, yet many rural water suppliers fail to conduct water quality tests regularly. Using an existing centralized laboratory for analysis may be a cost-effective option for expanding testing for many rural water suppliers, but these laboratories may be unwilling to work with rural suppliers due to non-payment risks. The Water Quality Assurance Fund is an innovative program with a financial mechanism developed to address these issues and encourage water quality monitoring in rural areas of Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, and similar countries.
The evaluation of the Assurance Fund in Tanzania involves a lean assessment of the program in the five community-based water supply organizations (CBWSOs) enrolled. This report, developed by USAID REAL-Water, summarizes baseline data collected before the launch of the one-and-a-half-year Assurance Fund implementation model and comprises the first step of its impact evaluation.
Bibliographical Information:
REAL-Water (2024) Evaluating Water Quality Assurance Funds in Tanzania:. Baseline Assessment , United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
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