Souter, R., Love, M., Pene, S., Benjamin, C., Hababore, J., Buguro, H., Panda, N., Funubo S., Balenaivalu, E., Tokito, L., et al.

Year of Publishing

Griffith University

International Water Centre

Compendium of Tools to Support Community Water Management in Fiji and Solomon Islands Pacific Community Water Management - PLUS


While many Pacific Island governments and civil society organisations (CSOs) have existing policies and approaches guiding their engagement with communities to provide support for WASH services, the purpose of the PaCWaM+ research was to identify challenges that persist in communities and develop
approaches that might help them address these remaining gaps.

This compendium provides a complementary set of CWM+ tools for communities, CSOs, government and other WASH practitioners that were developed through the PaCWaM+ research.

Bibliographical Information:

Souter, R., Love, M., Pene, S., Benjamin, C., Hababore, J., Buguro, H., Panda, N., Funubo S., Balenaivalu, E., Tokito, L., et al. (2022) Compendium of Tools to Support Community Water Management in Fiji and Solomon Islands. Pacific Community Water Management - PLUS , International Water Centre , Griffith University , Australia

More Information


Compendium of Tools to Support Community Water Management in Fiji and Solomon Islands

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