D. Thapa, C. Prevost, and H. Widjanarko

Year of Publishing

The World Bank


Enhancing Frontline Provider Collaboration to Improve Rural Water Sustainability Operational Lessons from Indonesia’s Community-Led Water Supply Project—PAMSIMAS


This policy brief improves our understanding of the actions that projects can undertake to harness community participation to improve the long-term sustainability of infrastructure investments. We use panel data and qualitative assessments from Indonesia’s PAMSIMAS to provide evidence on how some communities are able to manage and sustain the functionality of their water systems for over 6 years while others face the tyranny of build-neglect-rehabilitate.

Bibliographical Information:

D. Thapa, C. Prevost, and H. Widjanarko (2021) Enhancing Frontline Provider Collaboration to Improve Rural Water Sustainability. Operational Lessons from Indonesia’s Community-Led Water Supply Project—PAMSIMAS , GWSP , The World Bank , Washington DC, USA


Enhancing Frontline Provider Collaboration to Improve Rural Water Sustainability
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Governance Drivers of Rural Water Sustainability
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